Taunton School International Students in Classroom
Foxcombe 25 Scholarships

International Scholarships



To celebrate 25 years of Taunton School International, we are delighted to be able to offer up to 10 scholarship awards for international students from around the world.  The successful applicants will receive a 25% scholarship fee remission.

Our scholarship programme is open to any student taking up a place at Taunton School International between the ages of 14 – 18 with special intellectual, artistic, musical or sporting talent.  This award recognises their outstanding ability, but also confers certain responsibilities to the School community on the individual.

The application deadline is Friday 30th July 2021. Scholarship applications will be considered throughout January to July 2021 and as there are just 10 awards available, it is recommended that students submit their applications as soon as possible. Prospective applicants are invited to send their applications to admissions@tauntonschool.co.uk

It is possible for candidates to enter for a maximum of two Awards and the procedures and expectations for each Award are set out below.


All Scholarships applicants must first sit an English test and submit a personal statement of between 300 – 500 words outlining why they feel they are a suitable Scholarship candidate.

Application deadline: Friday 30th July 2021

Academic Scholarships

The Scholarships are open to all applicants and are awarded on academic merit and potential.

Step 1: If the required level of English is attained, candidates will be asked to complete a 30-minute Maths test and a 30-minute test in one subject of their choice from the list below:

Biology                         Business Studies                          Chemistry                   Computer Science/ICT

Economics                  Geography                                    History                          Physics

Step 2: Upon successful completion of the tests, the candidate’s Head Teacher at their current school will be contacted to request a confidential report.

Step 3: The candidate with the highest ability and/or greatest potential will be invited to an informal online interview with the Principal.

Art Scholarships

Step 1: Candidates submit an Electronic Portfolio consisting of a maximum of 10 pieces of work.  Portfolios in other formats will not be accepted.

The portfolio selection should illustrate the student’s ability to work with a wide range of materials and techniques at a high level (e.g. drawings from life, paintings from observation, works in three dimensions and experiments with mixed media). It is important to show idea development, creativity and originality.

Step 2: The candidate’s Head Teacher at their current school will be contacted to request a confidential report.

Step 3: The candidates with the strongest portfolios will be invited to attend an informal online interview with the Principal.

Music Scholarships

Candidates should be at least Grade 5 standard on their first instrument (although we will consider candidates of a lower standard based on potential).

Step 1: Candidates submit an audio-visual recording of two of their most challenging pieces.

Candidates should also be prepared to offer a second instrument.  Singers are also encouraged to apply.

Step 2: The candidate’s Head Teacher at their current school will be contacted to request a confidential report.

Step 3: The candidates with the highest ability and/or greatest potential will be invited to attend an informal online interview with the Principal.

Sports Scholarships

Sports Scholarships are made to candidates of outstanding ability or potential in the field of Sports.  They presuppose a high degree of motivation and commitment on the part of the candidate.

Step 1: Candidates submit recorded evidence of their sporting prowess.

It is accepted that not all candidates will be familiar with all of the major School games (rugby, hockey, netball, cricket, athletics, swimming and tennis) and therefore candidates are asked to select a minimum of two sports when demonstrating their sporting ability, at least one of which must be from the list above.

Step 2: The candidate’s Head Teacher at their current school will be contacted to request a confidential report.  It may also be necessary to contact the candidate’s sports coach to provide a confidential report.

Step 3: Those candidates with the highest ability and/or greatest potential will be invited to attend an informal online interview with the Principal.


Academic Scholars

  • We expect a strong work ethic, which implies the capacity to produce work on time and to a standard of presentation and content commensurate with their status as a scholar.
  • Scholars should set an example of academic excellence to those around them with regard to meeting deadlines, demeanour and participation in class and integrity in all matters related to coursework and homework.
  • Scholars should have an appetite for stretching their minds beyond what is available in class, through reading, research, visits and presentations.
  • We expect scholars to participate in the wider academic activities that the School arranges, including societies and one-off events.
  • Scholars should display academic ambition beyond the norm, being ready to take the initiative in cooperation with members of staff.

Art Scholars

  • Art scholars are required to enter fully into the creative life of the Art Department,
    spreading their natural enthusiasm and passion for the subject.
  • Scholars must be superb ambassadors for the Art Department and encourage fellow
    students to participate in as many art activities, events and lectures as possible.
  • Art scholars must practise their artistic skills regularly by attending Art Club and working in the Art Department outside of lessons.
  • Art scholars must be available for occasions that fall outside the normal school day, e.g. evening events such as public art lectures and promotional events.
  • Art scholars must study the work of artists, not just as part of school activities but also in their own time e.g. by visiting exhibitions at Art Galleries and Museums.
  • Art scholars must study GCSE Art at TSI and it is expected that the successful scholar will pursue an art course through to at least an advanced level.

Music Scholars

  • Music scholarship holders are required to enter fully into the musical life of the School; it is expected that music scholars take part in a large number of ensembles and they must take as many opportunities as possible to play / sing as a solo performer, namely at tea-time Concerts, in Chapel and with the School’s orchestra.
  • They must be good ambassadors for the Music Department and encourage fellow pupils to be involved in different musical ensembles and choirs, representing the Department positively within the wider community.
  • The holder must practise regularly, setting a good example and be proficient in at least two instruments (‘voice’ is acceptable as one instrument)
  • Music scholars must be available to perform at events that take place in the evenings and weekends.
  • Music scholars must study GCSE Music at TSI and it is expected that the successful scholar will be actively involved in Music through to the Sixth Form.

Sports Scholars

  • Sports scholars must represent the school in any sports for which they are selected and are expected to contribute to more than one sport in the school.
  • Scholars must accept this position as role models within the wider school context. Therefore their behaviour and attitude in lessons and around the School should be exemplary.
  • Scholars should display exemplary commitment to the School, both as an athlete and as a member of the school body.
  • Scholars must set the highest standards of dress, behaviour and sportsmanship whenever representing any team, whether at school or elsewhere.
  • Sports scholars are expected to be proficient in at least two sports offered by the School.
  • We expect pupils to be injury-free and have a clean bill of health. Any chronic illness or injury must be notified to the School in writing in advance of any offer being made.

Please note that any scholarship awarded for Taunton School International is for one academic year only and the successful scholar must be a full-time boarder.  

Students are welcome to apply for an additional scholarship if they join the Sixth Form at Taunton School, but there is no guarantee of continuity of scholarship nor percentage of fee remission should an additional scholarship be awarded.
