Taunton School Prep Girls Summer

The Wider Curriculum

In Sport, Art, Design Technology, Music, Drama, Dance and a wide range of co-curricular activities, the expertise of our staff and the tremendous facilities combine to give our pupils a wonderfully broad educational experience. Alongside our focus on ensuring excellent academic progress for each pupil, we believe in providing outstanding opportunities in all other areas of school life.

Pupils grow and learn through their individual interests and talents, which are often pivotal in developing self-esteem and pride. By discovering an ability in one area, pupils develop the confidence to aim higher in others. 

As well as striving for excellence in individual areas, our pupils enjoy the breadth of opportunity which helps them become well rounded individuals. A pupil who leads on the sports field is often seen performing in a play or in a choir. It is cool to opt in, not to opt out. 

There is a choice of over 40 different activities. Computer programming, horse-riding, golf, chess, jazz and modern dance, pottery, table tennis, judo and cookery are just some of the clubs enjoyed by pupils.  Please see below for more information.

Music, Drama and Dance permeate throughout the school to produce a special, highly creative atmosphere. The Performing Arts are of huge importance to pupils, staff and parents throughout the school. Please see below for more information.

In Art and Design and Technology, expert subject specialists teach children as young as 8 years old, with resources and equipment of the highest quality. There is a kiln for pottery and advanced machine-powered tools in the DT room. In Computing, class sets of iPads and two touch screen IT suites are used to build technological skills. Please see below for more information.

Our excellent physical education and sports programme includes three games sessions a week, a dedicated weekly PE lesson, matches against other schools and the opportunities to take part in clubs before, during and after school.

A very strong team of dedicated sports teachers, small group sizes and outstanding facilities ensure high standards and inclusion for pupils of all levels of ability. Our ‘A’ teams in all year groups compete strongly against the best sporting prep schools in the country, whilst we also celebrate seeing every pupil representing the school at ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ team levels. A very wide range of sports is covered, including rugby, hockey, netball, cricket, tennis, swimming, football, squash, golf, table tennis, rounders, cross-country, athletics and gymnastics. 

The School Day

Registration 8.20am marks the beginning of the school day. Followed by Period 1 from 8.30am-8.55am which is Community Time. This period is dedicated to assemblies on Mondays, tutor time Wednesdays, hymn practice on Thursdays and Chapel on Fridays. Period 2 from 8:55am–9:35am, Period 3 from 9:40am–10:15am and Period 4 from 10:20am–10:55am. Pupils then enjoy a quick morning break until 11.20am.

Studying resumes with Period 5 from 11:20am–11:55pm and Period 6 from 12:00pm–12:35pm. A well-earned lunch break begins at 12.35pm and ends at 1.35pm.

The afternoon begins with registration at 1:35pm (except on Wednesdays for Year 5 – 8).

Lessons resume with Period 7 from 1:45pm–2:20pm, Period 8 from 2:25pm–3:00pm and Period 9 from 3:05pm–3:40pm. A final registration at 3:40pm–3:50pm concludes the school day.

Pupils enjoy a quick snack and playtime break from 3.50pm-4.00pm/4.15pm, then after school activities begin with clubs at 4.00pm-5.15pm. 1st prep is from 4.15pm–5.15pm and 2nd prep is from 5:15pm–5:45pm. Buses depart at 5.30pm marking the end of the day.

Pupils can either leave school at 3:50pm or stay for prep and activities, leaving at either 5.15pm or 5.45pm.

Most pupils participate in matches on Saturday afternoons and parents are invited along to watch and enjoy tea afterwards.


Saturdays begin with registration at 8.20am, followed by Period 1 which is an enrichment sessions for pupils. Periods 2 – 4 run from 8.55 – 10.55am. A short morning break until 11.20am  ensures pupils are re-energised for the remaining lessons. These begin with period 5 from 11.20  -11.55am and Period 6 from 12 – 12.35pm. The school day ends at 12.35pm.


Our pupils in Years 3 – 6 have the option to attend our Saturday morning Enrichment. These sessions run from 9.00am until 12:00pm and provide activity based experiences for the pupils to enjoy. Pupils sign up for a term at no cost and commit to their chose activity. The variety of activities to choose from gives our pupils to really get their teeth in to a project, sport or performance. Activities that have recently taken place include Cookery, Biathle, Performing Arts, Design Technology, Art, Cricket, Hockey.
