Taunton School Prep After School Clubs DT
Taunton School Prep Girl Cooking

After School Clubs

Our clubs programme is fully engrained in all that we do, offering extensions from the curriculum and branching into different areas, challenging pupils to try something different. Running before, during and after the school day, our pupils benefit from a large range of opportunities which they are encouraged to adopt the attitude, ‘let’s give it a go’.  All music activities occur either first thing in the morning or at lunchtime to allow all pupils to attend musical activities as well as non-musical ones. Other activities are offered after lesson time and are run by members of staff, parents or visiting experts. Children are expected to be committed for a full term to a club they have chosen. The clubs are chosen via our digital portal by the children and their parents each term from a full list that they take home to discuss with their parents or boarding staff. 

Some clubs such as team games practices and certain music activities are by invitation but most are open to all. Recent clubs have included Outdoor Pursuits on the River Tone, Aikido, chess, climbing, debating, model making, STEM, table tennis, Laser Shooting, long distance swimming, maths challenge and drama. 
