Taunton School Foundation

How to give

Thank you for considering making a donation to Taunton School. The school is a charity and your donation will be made to Taunton School Educational Charity, charity number 1081420. Every donation makes a difference to the experience of students here

There are a number of ways in which you can support Taunton School:

  • Online via CAF
  • Via bank transfer

Give online via CAF

Bank transfer information

International donors may need the IBAN and SWIFT numbers:

Account Name: Taunton School Educational Charity Foundation Account
Sort Code: 40-44-04
Account Number: 81781243

IBAN: GB30HBUK40440481781243

To speak to a member of the Foundation Team about your donation, please email foundation@tauntonschool.co.uk or call (+44) 01823 703159.
